Learn to speak gently and lovingly, not only to human beings but to animals, flowers, birds, trees and the whole of nature, for this is a divine habit.
He who knows how to utter words that inspire and vivify possesses a magic wand in his mouth, and his words will never be spoken in vain, for at least one of the four elements is always there, ready and waiting to clothe his words in matter.
The materialization may actually occur a long way from he who produced the seed, but you can be sure that it will always occur. Just as seeds are blown away by the wind to fall and take root in distant places, our good words fly from us and produce their magnificent fruits far from our sight.
If you have learned to control your thoughts and feelings, if you have managed to attain an inner state state of harmony, purity and light, your words will produce waves that will have a beneficial effect on the whole of nature.