Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sound {&} Silence

Everything is in a state of vibration, 
from the electrons moving around the nucleus of an atom, 
to planets and distant galaxies moving around stars. 
As they’re creating movement, they are creating vibration, 
and this vibration can be perceived of as SOUND
~Jonathan Goldman
{ Sound Healing Pioneer -Sound Healers Association}

All that exists in the manifested state does so because it has a complementary unmanifested state that is its source. We perceive light, therefore, in the manifested state only because there exists an unmanifested state which is total darkness. We perceive sound only because there is an unmanifested state of absolute silence, the state from which all sound originates. We hear sound only because there is silence. we experience silence only because there is sound. Therefore sound is the source of silence and silence is the source of sound. All sound dissolves into silence. silence tends to manifest into sound. It is because of this principle of sound and silence that esoteric musical philosophy recognized two complementary components which in Sanskrit writings are referred to as "struck sound" - which we can hear - and "unstruck sound" - which we cannot hear.

Unstruck sound is the center from which all struck sound emanates. Through the practice of music one may experience the state of absolute equilibrium, absolute balance, perfect unity and harmony which exists both at its center and our own, for both are identical to and inseparable from the unmanifested creative state of the entire universe. At the center lies the perfected emptiness of total union to which we, music, and all manifested things aspire. "Things", in essence, are not "things" but processes in a state of continual becoming. Therefore music, as a manifestation of energy, is a force that interacts with the physical world for music influences our thoughts, our emotions, our dense physical bodies and the electro-magnetic field that surrounds us. Because all of the physical universe is in continual movement, Lama Govinda concludes...

{......All things or beings produce sounds according to their own nature and to the particular state in which they find themselves. This is because these beings and things are aggregates of atoms that dance and by their movements produce sounds. When the rhythm of the dance changes, the sound it produces also changes. . . Each atom perpetually sings its songs and the sound creates each moment dense and subtle sound forms. Just as there exist creative sounds, there exist destructive sounds. He who is able to produce both can, at will, create or destroy......}

from Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism
Lama Anagarika Govinda
copyright 1969 Weiser Books

These philosophical concepts became the foundation upon which all musical practice of the ancient world was formed. The musicians, shamans, priests, prophets and philosophers held one philosophical concept in common - that music represents a microcosm of the order of the universe and follows cosmological laws, and that through the practice of music one could better understand these laws as well as the intelligence behind them. The ethereal quality of music was regarded as a miniature of the ethereal substance that filled the vast spaces of the cosmos within which the celestial bodies moved. The rhythm of music, for example, reflected the movement of galaxies, stars and planets, of the sun and moon, the cycle of seasons, days and nights, the tides of the seas and the birth and death of our own cells. Music was regarded as the force that could bring about harmony within the mind and body of Man, within the human community and ultimately with the heavenly bodies themselves - the fluidity of energy changing and merging with energy, the primordial force of the universe. 

excerpt from the Introduction to
The Healing Forces of Music
by Randall McClellan Ph.D.
copyright1991 Element Books
ISBN 1-85230-255-0

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Anima Mundi :: Musa Talismans

Crown Chakra {{सहस्रार Sahasrāra}}

Amethyst Cluster
Amethyst beads of different shades
Black pearls
Smoky quartz 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Heart of the Earth :: Talismans ~

Musa Talismans, Heart of the Earth

Talismans are more than just jewelery....
Etymology of the word comes from the Greek word ‘Τέλεσμα’= consecration,
ελείν’ which means to initiate into the mysteries...

‘Heart of the Earth’ ~ is the prototype piece of a new collection of Talismans harmonizing energy levels.
Making a talisman is a form of meditation, and this one is crafted together with the greatest affection out of collected semi precious gemstones invoking the Heart of the Earth.
As I love the alluring beauty of semiprecious stones, those were carefully selected among the family of greens as this Talisman is intended primarily for Heart Chakra balancing and protection.

~Basalt Lava:: stone is the center piece ending just above the navel, symbolizes the navel of the earth and balancing the root Chakra energy.
 ~ Aquamarine:: an ethereal stone of pale shades of green, blue and clear symbolizing the water of the sea

~ Green Jade:: beads and curved little leaves as well as Nephrite Jade carved butterflies.
A stone for harmony balance longevity stone, and inner serenity general wellbeing of body and soul.

~ Blue Goldstone:: a beautiful blue-black gemstone with glittery overtones of purple high positive vibe physical energy and dispelling fears and stress and mood stabilizing
Symbol of of wisdom and a reminder that we are always connected to the source.

~ Green Jasper :: beads of pale green, black and transparent inclusions.

~ Green Pearls ::...pearl being one of my favorites I will be dedicating an article on its own 
Since there are many more attributes to the gemstones than the ones I mention, I leave it up to you to continue discovering more …

~ Turquoise:: a stone valued from ancient times all over the world

The prototype of ‘Heart of the Earth’ stays with me as I’m wearing it right now..More will be available with slight variations.

...for more info you are welcome to email me at

Thank U, Blessings*
