Monday, November 7, 2011

Everything is Energy :: AURUM Sensitiv-Imago

Our Body is continually energetically charged and vibrating in visible and invisible levels.
There is an incredible flow of occurrences that determine what we are on the physical level.
As quantum physics reveals, everything is connected, the world is a vast web of interconnectedness. 
It’s difficult for us to imagine our bodies as vast networks of cells, interacting particles, waves and electrical impulses, yet this is what we are made of.
In fact, Everything is energy, and we are connected to it through our mind, body and spirit.
Our body has energy continuously moving through it, creating a dynamic energy field. The simplest way to describe it would be an internal and external aura, the energetic field.
In biochemical terms, the body-field is the chemical system which controls all metabolism and growth.

Energetic Bioresonance technology
All matter has resonant frequencies and every cell in the body resonates at a particular frequency. 
Groups of cells which together make bodily systems, organs and structures have particular resonant frequencies and patterns. At times of illness the body’s complex frequency and electromagnetic field can change or become distorted. Through bioresonance therapy the body is helped to rebalance itself and heal by being connected to healthy frequencies

A U R U M - SENSITIV IMAGO  (Alfa-Med,Ukraine)                                            
Based on bioresonance and quantum technology Sensitiv-Imago diagnostic system, scans the state of the entire organism in a non-invasive way. The body has its own specific electromagnetic properties making up its ideal homeostatic balance, which are disrupted in cases of disease. While scanning the body, Sensitiv-Imago traces electromagnetic disharmonies and homeostatic degeneration on a cellular level of all the systems
and organs.

- Detection of diseases in the organism and possibilities of aggravation

- Detection of diseases in their stage of risk.

- Evaluation of the biological activity of microflora detecting the presence of viruses, bacteria and parasites

- Detection of allergens

- Identification of hereditary predisposition

- Multivariable analysis of homeostasis in systems and organs

- Monitoring and identifying changes in the organs

- Detection of the acid-alkali balance in the tissues

- Bioresonance treatment using MORA - therapy based on the latest discoveries in bio-physics

Maria Trillidou - Theramusica
For more information email us :

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sound {&} Silence

Everything is in a state of vibration, 
from the electrons moving around the nucleus of an atom, 
to planets and distant galaxies moving around stars. 
As they’re creating movement, they are creating vibration, 
and this vibration can be perceived of as SOUND
~Jonathan Goldman
{ Sound Healing Pioneer -Sound Healers Association}

All that exists in the manifested state does so because it has a complementary unmanifested state that is its source. We perceive light, therefore, in the manifested state only because there exists an unmanifested state which is total darkness. We perceive sound only because there is an unmanifested state of absolute silence, the state from which all sound originates. We hear sound only because there is silence. we experience silence only because there is sound. Therefore sound is the source of silence and silence is the source of sound. All sound dissolves into silence. silence tends to manifest into sound. It is because of this principle of sound and silence that esoteric musical philosophy recognized two complementary components which in Sanskrit writings are referred to as "struck sound" - which we can hear - and "unstruck sound" - which we cannot hear.

Unstruck sound is the center from which all struck sound emanates. Through the practice of music one may experience the state of absolute equilibrium, absolute balance, perfect unity and harmony which exists both at its center and our own, for both are identical to and inseparable from the unmanifested creative state of the entire universe. At the center lies the perfected emptiness of total union to which we, music, and all manifested things aspire. "Things", in essence, are not "things" but processes in a state of continual becoming. Therefore music, as a manifestation of energy, is a force that interacts with the physical world for music influences our thoughts, our emotions, our dense physical bodies and the electro-magnetic field that surrounds us. Because all of the physical universe is in continual movement, Lama Govinda concludes...

{......All things or beings produce sounds according to their own nature and to the particular state in which they find themselves. This is because these beings and things are aggregates of atoms that dance and by their movements produce sounds. When the rhythm of the dance changes, the sound it produces also changes. . . Each atom perpetually sings its songs and the sound creates each moment dense and subtle sound forms. Just as there exist creative sounds, there exist destructive sounds. He who is able to produce both can, at will, create or destroy......}

from Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism
Lama Anagarika Govinda
copyright 1969 Weiser Books

These philosophical concepts became the foundation upon which all musical practice of the ancient world was formed. The musicians, shamans, priests, prophets and philosophers held one philosophical concept in common - that music represents a microcosm of the order of the universe and follows cosmological laws, and that through the practice of music one could better understand these laws as well as the intelligence behind them. The ethereal quality of music was regarded as a miniature of the ethereal substance that filled the vast spaces of the cosmos within which the celestial bodies moved. The rhythm of music, for example, reflected the movement of galaxies, stars and planets, of the sun and moon, the cycle of seasons, days and nights, the tides of the seas and the birth and death of our own cells. Music was regarded as the force that could bring about harmony within the mind and body of Man, within the human community and ultimately with the heavenly bodies themselves - the fluidity of energy changing and merging with energy, the primordial force of the universe. 

excerpt from the Introduction to
The Healing Forces of Music
by Randall McClellan Ph.D.
copyright1991 Element Books
ISBN 1-85230-255-0

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Anima Mundi :: Musa Talismans

Crown Chakra {{सहस्रार Sahasrāra}}

Amethyst Cluster
Amethyst beads of different shades
Black pearls
Smoky quartz 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Heart of the Earth :: Talismans ~

Musa Talismans, Heart of the Earth

Talismans are more than just jewelery....
Etymology of the word comes from the Greek word ‘Τέλεσμα’= consecration,
ελείν’ which means to initiate into the mysteries...

‘Heart of the Earth’ ~ is the prototype piece of a new collection of Talismans harmonizing energy levels.
Making a talisman is a form of meditation, and this one is crafted together with the greatest affection out of collected semi precious gemstones invoking the Heart of the Earth.
As I love the alluring beauty of semiprecious stones, those were carefully selected among the family of greens as this Talisman is intended primarily for Heart Chakra balancing and protection.

~Basalt Lava:: stone is the center piece ending just above the navel, symbolizes the navel of the earth and balancing the root Chakra energy.
 ~ Aquamarine:: an ethereal stone of pale shades of green, blue and clear symbolizing the water of the sea

~ Green Jade:: beads and curved little leaves as well as Nephrite Jade carved butterflies.
A stone for harmony balance longevity stone, and inner serenity general wellbeing of body and soul.

~ Blue Goldstone:: a beautiful blue-black gemstone with glittery overtones of purple high positive vibe physical energy and dispelling fears and stress and mood stabilizing
Symbol of of wisdom and a reminder that we are always connected to the source.

~ Green Jasper :: beads of pale green, black and transparent inclusions.

~ Green Pearls ::...pearl being one of my favorites I will be dedicating an article on its own 
Since there are many more attributes to the gemstones than the ones I mention, I leave it up to you to continue discovering more …

~ Turquoise:: a stone valued from ancient times all over the world

The prototype of ‘Heart of the Earth’ stays with me as I’m wearing it right now..More will be available with slight variations.

...for more info you are welcome to email me at

Thank U, Blessings*


Friday, September 23, 2011

Resveratrol: Longevity *

Do we get sick as we get old or vice versa?
We are so used to believing that old-age does not come alone but accompanied by many illnesses, the result being that people don’t die out of old age, but out of the ignorance caused by the surrounding belief systems ingrained in our subconscious.
Yet it is possible to have an active DNA and live as much as three times as we have been led to believe we can.

Resveratrol, a blessing in itself is around to prove to us once again that mother nature is the 
source of all medicine. 
A polyphenol, produced by some plants in response to environmental stress, ultraviolet radiation, injury or fungal infection . An amazing Antioxidant found mainly in the skin of dark colored grapes is a powerful ally to DNA repair by neutralizing cell-damaging free radicals-the cause of premature aging.
Lifespan depends on the maximum efficient working of our DNA and Resveratrol assists in longevity by working at the lever of our cells fighting degenerative/age-related diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and cancer. 
It activates the specific enzymes which, in turn, improve the efficiency and increase the numbers of mitochondria in the body’s cells. Those are activated to repair any damages on cell DNA making sure that genes which should be silent remain suppressed, while longevity genes are being activated.

Lets simplify things, here's a short list of the too many to mention benefits of Resveratrol.

~Increased Endurance:  Mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells
~Cardiovascular health
~Osteoporosis: improves bone structure and function
~Diabetes: improves insulin sensitivity in people with type two diabetes
~Weight loss
~Macular degeneration: protects the eyes especially in cases of blindness in seniors
~Brain injuries: assists the recovery of increasing plasticity and memory.
~Decreases the risk of stroke
~Depression -Increases serotonin levels in the brain.
~Life extension: in general

Its important to mention Resveratrol as being a very powerful anti-neurodegenerator, only to make us wonder why it’s not being used in prevention and medical treatment of dementia (neurodegeneration) when the numbers of sufferers are rising to double and triple every year, while the cost of chemical treatment skyrockets in over 800 billion euro worldwide. A fact proving that Alzheimer's disease and other dementias have reached beyond just being health issues into becoming a social crisis of the 21st century.

This is a wake-up call that the so far believed elements accompanying aging CAN be reversed. We are being controlled by a worldwide spread of ignorance of the simple and least expensive ways to help our body work more efficiently because it has the innate memory to do so.

Other nutritional sources of Resveratrol besides dark noir-grapes are: Red Grapes, Red Wine, Dark Chocolate, Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Bilberries, Acai-berries, Noni-berries, all in varying degrees. Content in strawberries is found in the seeds not the pulp, peanuts also contain Resveratrol. Note that Resveratrol content is high only when the source is as close to its natural state as possible.
Of course in cases of increased need, the nutritional sources will not be enough and a boost of extra highly absorbable supplementation is definitely needed.
In such case my personal *High-Five* goes to SOLGAR’S
Resveratrol 500 mg vegetable capsules.
Another personal favorite which I highly recommend is a romantic little snack consisting of blackberries with dark high cocoa content chocolate.. just simply divine!

While Science is still in the long process of determining the exact role that longevity genes play in the human body,and who knows under what circumstances information will reach surface, let us just keep enjoying the full benefits of Resveratrol.
For those needing further detailed readings, scientific studies and blah blah blah, you can google some more or visit

~ A tip to always remember : *we get old once we stop growing older*
 ...So, expand yourself, grow your awareness older reaching beyond limiting beliefs and allow the gifts of nature to do the job they were meant for.

Maria Trillidou
Anyone requiring further info please email me at

Monday, September 19, 2011

Step into your own Mystery...

Images/Copyright © Maria Trillidou

~In oneself lies the whole world, and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

"The whole world" is not something that can be understood by logical reasoning.When awareness is focused on mental verbalizations, the energy flow to the mind/head increases and the energy flow to the heart lessens.
~The heart knows nothing of reason.~The heart knows without syllogisms, without the result of an argument. ~The heart knows without the process of knowing...

A whole world is a mystery to the mind, allow your heart to look though the door of your mystery, step into it and take the journey of the mystic. See every step as the process of awareness.
By not trying to demystify, you come into a the union with existence.
The mystery remains a mystery, but by allowing yourself to be part of it, another level of understanding happens. All other understandings are only knowledge borrowed from others…so be your own and feel the world, instead of trying to understand it.

~The longest journey you will take in your life is from the head to the heart~ Sioux Legend

Friday, September 16, 2011

Watching the Silence ...

~Krishnamurti:  Where does silence begin.........Does it begin when thought ends? Have you ever tried to end thought........................................

~Questioner: How do I do it?

~Krishnamurti: I don’t know, but have you ever tried it? First of all, who is the entity who is trying to stop thought?

~Questioner: The thinker

~Krishnamurti: Its another thought, isn’t it? Thought is trying to stop itself, so there is a battle between the thinker and the thought…..................................................................................................
Thought says:  "I must stop thinking because then I shall experience a marvelous state"... one thought is trying to suppress the other thought, so there is conflict.
when I see this fact, see it totally, understand it completely, have an insight into it…then the mind is quiet to Watch, to Look, to See............................................................

Jiddu Krishnamurti~

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Vis Medicatrix Naturae * a long forgotten Miracle

A big ~Thank You~ goes out to Science and Medical advancements for the huge amount of factual knowledge that has been brought to light. Unfortunately, along came a loss of an ancient treasure of Spiritual Wisdom. 
More intellectually knowledgeable, yet powerless we remain today into a fragmented state of who we are, unaware of the extraordinary innate power which we can access if only we haven’t forgotten the ~how to.

Vis Medicatrix Naturae - Φύσις Νόσων Ιατρός the motto of Hippocrates - father of Western Medicine, is the recognition that Life is Self-Healing. The motto which is all about the connection to the innate wisdom of the True Self who is aware that wellbeing comes from alignment with the Spirit of Nature_The Energy field within and surrounding each human being_The Power to control re-balance and heal.

Loss of that connection and we live by the illusion of being separate from our deeper source who knows the ~how to. We become divided into a body that uses the mind partly, knowing theoretically there is a spirit somewhere, but has forgotten the entrance to the connective bridge.
Separation leads to acceptance of a series of dis-empowering ideas like:: "The body is a machine assembled from parts and therefore wears out like one", "We live in a hostile environment constantly at risk of contamination, invading germs and viruses’’, ‘’Everything that happens to our body is the result of random chemical reactions", "Genes determine our behavior, there is nothing metaphysical and reality comes down to atoms and molecules", "Cells and bodily organs are separate from each other and should be studied and treated separately", "Human beings evolved as a matter of survival and their ultimate purpose is find a partner, reproduce to pass on genetic code"...
This is exactly how we, ourselves, invented the separation of Body and Spirit, and then we came to believe all about it. When ideas reach the point of becoming beliefs then our conscious and subconscious is conditioned so powerfully as having no other choice than fulfill them....we become what we believe we are.
Established beliefs leads modern medicine merely emphasize on elimination of dis-ease instead of emphasizing on achieving total wellbeing. Treats symptoms as if they are local discomforts instead of hearing them out as the body’s voice for help on another level. Modern medicine specializes in treating separate parts with a tunnel vision disregarding the fact that the underlying cause may stem much deeper. 

In its entire history the human race has been striving to understand the laws of life, along the way some are discovered while others lost.
At the same time people live with aspirations: they dream, sing, dance, draw, laugh, play, LOVE and definitely have no connection with machines needing repair or merely being statistical data on charts. 
Our lives are not meant to be spent in agony and fear. Life is meant to be meaningful, purposeful and creative. 
We definitely need to rediscover, reconnect, reinvent, reunite and remember ourselves as the spiritual beings we are.

Our biological rhythms are like a vibrating planetary body orchestrating a Universal symphony. 
Like our planet Earth, our bodies have circadian, seasonal, lunar, tidal and gravitational rhythms. 
Wellbeing is all about attunement into these rhythms, our bodies becoming sacred microcosmic temples as the macrosmic body is.
.......remembering now how to sing One*Song = Uni*Verse

Maria Trillidou